Colour (color) codes
You can use colour codes anywhere the plugin accepts a message (plugin messages, display items, and in task configurations themselves).
The following table shows the colour capabilities of specific server versions:
Before 1.16 | 1.16+ | |
Colour Codes | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Hexadecimal | ❌ | ✔️ |
Colour codes
The plugin will automatically translate colour codes from ‘&’ to ‘§’ for you.
Name | Chat Code | Hex Equivalent |
Black | &0 | #000000 |
Dark Blue | &1 | #0000AA |
Dark Green | &2 | #00AA00 |
Dark Aqua | &3 | #00AAAA |
Dark Red | &4 | #AA0000 |
Dark Purple | &5 | #AA00AA |
Gold | &6 | #FFAA00 |
Gray | &7 | #AAAAAA |
Dark Gray | &8 | #555555 |
Blue | &9 | #5555FF |
Green | &a | #55FF55 |
Aqua | &b | #55FFFF |
Red | &c | #FF5555 |
Light Purple | &d | #FF55FF |
Yellow | &e | #FFFF55 |
White | &f | #FFFFFF |
Obfuscated | &k | - |
Bold | &l | - |
Strikethrough | &m | - |
Underline | &n | - |
Italic | &o | - |
Reset | &r | - |
Hexadecimal colour
For compatible Minecraft versions, the plugin will also translate hex colour codes for you.
You can include a hex colour code as you would with a normal colour code: &#<hex colour code>
The #
symbol indicates a hexadecimal colour code. These must be exactly six characters long.
For example, the following messages are identical:
&cThis is a red message.
&#FF5555This is a red message.