Data migration tool

The data migration tool is a tool that allows you to migrate your data from one storage provider to another. This can also be used as a backup tool. The tool can be accessed using /quests admin migratedata, which will generate a file migrate_data.yml, where you must configure both providers.

The from section is the configuration for the storage provider you are migrating from. The to section is the configuration for the storage provider you are migrating to. Both sections are required.

When you have entered the information for both systems, you must set the ready flag to true at the end of the file. Then, to execute the migration, run the following command:

 /quests admin migratedata execute

It is advised that you do this process on a server with no players online. You should set a whitelist, or turn on maintenence mode, before migrating data, and these commands should be done through your server console. Trying this process with players online may result in unexpected behaviour, or worse, potential data corruption!

Once the migration has finished, you can safely delete migrate_data.yml. You may also want to manually update your main configuration to point to the new data provider.

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