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Quests provides an API for other people to use. This API is experimental and may be subject to change. For usages, it is best to take a look into the plugin itself.


You can get an instance of Quests as you would with any other plugin:

BukkitQuestsPlugin questsPlugin = (BukkitQuestsPlugin) Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("Quests");

From there, you can access the QPlayerManager, QuestManager etc. See the javadoc in this file, and in each class for more info on its purpose.


Quests provides some Bukkit events, you can see them all here.

Registering task types

Task types must be registered during startup, after Quests has initialized its task type manager. You cannot register task types after this period as individual quests are registered to their task types for performance reasons.

public void onEnable() {
    // ...
    Quests questsPlugin = (Quests) Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("Quests");
    BukkitTaskTypeManager taskTypeManager = (BukkitTaskTypeManager) questsPlugin.getTaskTypeManager();

    taskTypeManager.registerTaskType(new ...);

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This wiki serves as a manual for Quests however there is no guarantee that the information is up-to-date or complete. As per the license, this software provides absolutely no warranty, nor are the maintainers liable for any damages. Please see the license text for more information.