External task types
External task types integrate with other plugins and are only loaded if Quests detects a dependency.
These were previously called dependent task types.
Table of contents
- askyblock_level
- bentobox_level
- citizens_deliver
- citizens_interact
- customfishing_fishing
- ecobosses_killing
- ecomobs_killing
- essentials_balance
- essentials_moneyearn
- fabledskyblock_level
- iridiumskyblock_value
- mythicmobs_killing
- pinataparty_hit
- placeholderapi_evaluate
- playerpoints_earn
- pyrofishingpro_fishing
- servernpc_deliver
- servernpc_interact
- shopguiplus_buy
- shopguiplus_sell
- superiorskyblock_level
- superiorskyblock_worth
- uskyblock_level
- votingplugin_vote
- znpcsplus_deliver
- znpcsplus_interact