blockbreak (task type)

Since v1.0

Break a set amount of blocks. For items which can be broken by breaking a block underneath it (such as torches or signs), consider using the blockitemdropping task type instead.

Since Quests v3.13, blockbreakcertain and blockbreak have been merged into one. Both names can be used to refer to this task.


Key Description Type Required Default Notes
amount The number of blocks to break. Integer Yes - -
block The specific blocks to break. Material, or list of materials No - Not specifying this field will allow all blocks to count towards the task. Please see this list (1.13+) or this list (1.8-1.12) for block names.
data The data code for the block. Integer No 0 This field is not used in Minecraft versions 1.13+, nor is it compatible with lists of blocks.
reverse-if-placed Whether placing blocks should decrement from the quest progress. Boolean No false This allows negative task progress unless allow-negative-progress is set to false.
check-coreprotect Whether the plugin should query CoreProtect if a block has been recently placed. Boolean No false This requires the CoreProtect plugin.
check-coreprotect-time How long ago (in seconds) the plugin should check with CoreProtect whether a block was placed. Integer No - Used with check-coreprotect.
check-playerblocktracker Whether the plugin should query PlayerBlockTracker if a block has been recently placed. Boolean No false This requires the PlayerBlockTracker plugin.
allow-silk-touch Whether mining a block with a silk touch pickaxe should count. Boolean No true -
allow-negative-progress Whether progress can be allowed to enter the negatives. Boolean No true Used with reverse-if-placed.
worlds Worlds which should count towards the progress. List of world names No - -


Break 10 of any block:

  type: "blockbreak"
  amount: 10                            # amount of blocks to be broken
  worlds:                               # (OPTIONAL) restrict to certain worlds
   - "world"

Break 10 of stone:

  type: "blockbreakcertain"
  amount: 10                            # amount of blocks to be broken
  block: STONE                          # name of block (can be id or minecraft name)
  data: 1                               # (OPTIONAL) data code 
  reverse-if-placed: false              # (OPTIONAL) if true, blocks of same type placed will reverse progression (prevents silk-touch exploit)
  check-coreprotect: false              # (OPTIONAL) if true and CoreProtect is present, the plugin will check its logs for player placed blocks
  check-coreprotect-time: 3600          # (OPTIONAL) time in seconds for the maximum logging period to check
  worlds:                               # (OPTIONAL) restrict to certain worlds
   - "world"

Break 10 of either stone or gold ore:

  type: "blockbreakcertain"
  amount: 10                            # amount of blocks to be broken
  blocks:                               # name of blocks which will count towards progress
   - STONE
   - GOLD_ORE                           
  reverse-if-placed: false              # (OPTIONAL) if true, blocks of same type placed will reverse progression (prevents silk-touch exploit)
  check-coreprotect: false              # (OPTIONAL) if true and CoreProtect is present, the plugin will check its logs for player placed blocks
  check-coreprotect-time: 3600          # (OPTIONAL) time in seconds for the maximum logging period to check
  worlds:                               # (OPTIONAL) restrict to certain worlds
   - "world"

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