ecobosses_killing (task type)

Since v3.14

Plugin ‘EcoBosses’ required

Kill a certain number of EcoBosses bosses.


Key Description Type Required Default Notes
amount The number of bosses to kill. Integer Yes - -
id / ids The EcoBosses boss ID(s). String, or list of strings Yes - -
id-match-mode The match mode to be used to compare the strings String No EQUALS One of: EQUALS, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH.
worlds Worlds which should count towards the progress. List of world names No - -


Kill 1 EcoBosses boss with the ID “skeletalknight”:

  type: "ecobosses_killing"
  amount: 1                             # amount of mobs to be killed
  id: "skeletalknight"                  # internal name of mob (name in config - NOT display name)
  worlds:                               # (OPTIONAL) restrict to certain worlds
   - "world"

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