placeholderapi_evaluate (task type)

Since v2.9.5

Plugin ‘PlaceholderAPI’ required

Evaluate a certain PlaceholderAPI placeholder and compare it against a given condition.


Key Description Type Required Default Notes
placeholder The placeholder to evaluate. String Yes - -
evaluates The string the placeholder should evaluate to. String Yes - -
operator The comparative operator to use for numeric placeholders. String No - One of: GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO, LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO. The value in evaluates must be numeric. If this is not specified, then exact equality will be assumed.
refresh-ticks How frequently the placeholder should be evaluated. Integer No - This works in addition to the global option defined in config.yml.
async Whether the placeholder should be evaluated asynchronously. Boolean No - -
worlds Worlds which should count towards the progress. List of world names No - -


Have a player name of “fatpigsarefat”:

  type: "placeholderapi_evaluate"
  placeholder: "%player_name%"          # placeholder string
  evaluates: "fatpigsarefat"            # what it should evaluate as to be marked as complete
  worlds:                               # (OPTIONAL) restrict to certain worlds
   - "world"

Be online when there are more than 20 empty slots on the server:

  type: "placeholderapi_evaluate"
  placeholder: "%player_empty_slots%"   # placeholder string
  evaluates: "20"                       # number to compare to
  operator: "GREATER_THAN"              # (OPTIONAL) numerical operator, "evaluates" MUST be an integer
  worlds:                               # (OPTIONAL) restrict to certain worlds
   - "world"

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