Custom GUI items

Custom GUI items are dummy items added to category, quest and started menus. This can be used to help stylise your quests GUI.

This can be done in the config.yml:

  "categories": # apply to the categories menu (the main menu by default)
    0:   # <--- slot 1, note the slots start from 0! so 0 = slot 1 in this case
        name: "&cExample Custom Item (slot 1)"
          - "&7This is a custom item which can be added"
          - "&7to your menus. This is purely cosmetic."
          - ""
          - "&7Two empty slots should follow."
        type: "DIAMOND_BLOCK"
    1:   # <--- start from slot 2
      spacer: true # empty slot in GUI
      repeat: 2 # repeats for 2 slots
    3:   # <--- start from slot 4
        name: "&cExample Custom Item (slots 4 - 7)"
          - "&7This is a custom item which can be added"
          - "&7to your menus, but in slot 4 and repeated"
          - "&73 times."
          - "&7"
          - "&7This will come after 2 empty slots."
          - "&7"
          - "&7This is purely cosmetic."
        type: "NETHERRACK"
      repeat: 3 # repeats for 3 more slots
          - "this command will be executed if the player click on this item"

The optional repeat field will repeat the item for consecutive slots after that.

The optional commands list will execute commands if the player clicks on the item. The {player} placeholder can be used to substitute the player name.

These custom elements take precedence over quest items, as quests and categories will fill empty slots once all the custom items have been set.

Example of how custom GUI items are laid out

To add a custom item within the quest menu itself, you must specify the category, or if categories are disabled you can specify “quests” instead:

  "c:<category-name>": # apply to <category-name> menu
    # ...
  "quests": # apply to whole quests menu if categories are disabled
    # ...

Additionally, you can add custom items to the started quests menu by specifying it with “started”:

  "started": # apply to the started quests menu
    # ...

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