enchanting (task type)

Since v2.2

Enchant an item.


Key Description Type Required Default Notes
amount The number of items to obtain. Integer Yes - -
item The specific item to enchant. Material, or ItemStack No - Accepts standard item definition. Please see this list (1.13+) or this list (1.8-1.12) for material names. If no item is specified, then any item can be enchanted.
enchantment The specific enchantment(s) to apply. Enchantment, or list of enchantments No - If no enchantments are specified, then any enchantment can be applied.
min-level The minimum level of the enchantments. Integer No - If no minimum level is specified, then any enchantment of any level can be applied.
worlds Worlds which should count towards the progress. List of world names No - -


Enchant 10 items:

  type: "enchanting"
  amount: 10                            # amount of items enchanted
  worlds:                               # (OPTIONAL) restrict to certain worlds
   - "world"

Enchant 10 items with Protection:

  type: "enchanting"
  amount: 10                            # amount of items 
  enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL # (OPTIONAL) enchantment to apply
  worlds:                               # (OPTIONAL) restrict to certain worlds
   - "world"

Enchant 10 items with Protection IV:

  type: "enchanting"
  amount: 10                            # amount of items 
  enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL # (OPTIONAL) enchantment to apply
  min-level: 4                          # (OPTIONAL) the minimum level of enchantment to apply
  worlds:                               # (OPTIONAL) restrict to certain worlds
   - "world"

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