Contributing to the wiki

If you spot any errors in the wiki, or want to add more information of you own, then we would be happy to review changes. This documentation is built directly from the docs directory on the master branch on GitHub, using GitHub pages.

Submitting edits

It is no longer necessary to submit edits through the issue tracker, as documentation is now maintained within the repository itself.

If you want to add information or edit the wiki, please fork this repository and make your changes.

If you need guidance, check out the file in the main repository.

Editing guidelines

The Quests wiki loosely follows some conventions:

  • Article titles and headers should be written in lower case, with only the first word being capitalised. The only exception to this is with names (e.g. PlaceholderAPI, AnimatedScoreboard).
  • Headings should not used to restate the page name. Pages usually open with a short description at the top, they should never start with another heading.
  • British English should be used.
  • Top-level headings should start at H2 (## Heading). H1 (# Heading) is reserved for the article title itself.
  • Longer articles should have a table of contents.
  • Incomplete pages should have a warning at the top stating so. You can transclude a pre-made banner by adding {% include %} to the page.
  • Most files have an 80 character line limit, to assist with readability in a split view, except links or source code / configuration files.

These conventions may or may not be wholly followed throughout the wiki, though it would be beneficial for new pages and new revisions to follow this convention.

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This wiki serves as a manual for Quests however there is no guarantee that the information is up-to-date or complete. As per the license, this software provides absolutely no warranty, nor are the maintainers liable for any damages. Please see the license text for more information.