Quest debugger

The quests debugger allows you to see why a quest may not be working as intended. When turned on for a quest, it will print out what a task type is doing and how it is evaluating it. This can be helpful to see why a specific quest is not accepting a specific action.

Using the debugger

The debugger can be enabled with /q a debug quest <quest/*> <all/self>. Using * in place of <quest> will enable it for all quests. Enabling it for all will show debug logs for every player, whereas self will show it for just yourself.


We may want to debug the following task:

    type: "blockbreakcertain"
    amount: 30
    reverse-if-placed: false

When breaking PACKED_ICE, the debugger sends this output:

Here it is telling us that the task type is checking the broken block against all the blocks in the blocks list, and not finding a match, thus skipping this task.

Now, when breaking DARK_OAK_PLANKS:

The debugger tells us that it finds a match and increments the task progress.

This can be useful when trying to work out why a task may not be working, such as in the case where you think you’re breaking a block of a specific type, but in reality it has a different type.

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